Good Morning Glorious Day!

It is really easy to let the crushing weight of the world, get me down. But this morning, it is so beautiful out, I just can’t let it!

Woke up a bit late after going to bed early, must mean I needed it. Vaughn and I ate our weight in Chinese food last night, from a little place that made everything to order, fresh and in view for take out. That’s impressive! I felt bad though, they loaded us up with a pound of sauces… next time, request NO SAUCES… they all go in the trash anyway. 😦

My favorite T-Shirt

It is December, and it’s been warm and quite nice lately. Yesterday was the first real cold day, and this morning there is frost on the ground. This late onset of winter does not bode well. Almost like the world is giving us a treat, before the punishment…  but rock on, go ahead! Punishing snow you say? Waist deep I hear, for this area is common… I LOVE IT! Just do not ask me to drive my car up and down this driveway. Seriously folks..  best driveway for sledding, but very scary to imagine it with ice.

It's a long way down from here.

Lost my train of thought there. Still living in the “dark ages” with some of my technology, and miss Yahoo chat. It started messing up on me, part of the Safari interlink that does not work anymore with my aged software – no more updates for my system, it’s “too old”. It works, but technology progresses so quickly, with the new operating systems not configured for my old MacBook, I guess things will just get slower from here on out.

I have spent years on Yahoo Messenger. And now, it bugs out and crashes Safari – every time! Sad. Sad to leave an old friend behind, and have to move on to something that works. Why can’t everything just work forever? I have been chatting online since 1993 – when the only technology widely available were Bulletin Board Systems, and I was on Graffiti – it started with three phone lines your computer could call into – so three people could exist online at the same time. You basically look at everything written since your last log on, and then leave your comments, and come back the next day. I think you were allowed 30 minutes a day.

Eventually they had something like 30 lines and 1,000 people online, that was considered huge, but they would not switch from a DOS based interface to something like Windows, and when they finally did, it was too late. Aol had taken over and was so huge, that that small companies had no way to compete.

Sad, how familiar things fall away. I miss all my Graffiti buddies, and even looked some of them up on Facebook, but it’s not the same. We used to get together once a month, and some of us became such great friends, we hung out all the time, multiple times a week. I even hosted a Star Trek Voyager night every Monday, and anywhere from three to thirty guys would show up. Gave me a good excuse to vacuum and clean the bathroom and kitchen every week.

With the addition of a birdseed bell outside the dinning room window, there are four Tufted Titmouse:

They come and go, and seem to love the need addition. This is a very popular tree anyway, as the cold season progresses, it will really bring some birds in. Good way to keep Penzi the Australian Ridgeback interested. She’s not a cat.. but dogs like to watch things going on too.

Just fell in love with a piece of art:

Wow! As an abstract artist, I appreciate few other artists. This one really strikes a particular note with me. It is something I would consider buying. If I had the money now, I would. Wow! It’s like a coral garden on an alien world. Just sucks the imagination in and demands exploration! This is a VERY good price too!

This is my latest experimental painting – I really love it. Of course, the photo does not portray the 1 1/2″ depth of layering, nor the intensity of color, or the sheer size of it – 4 1/2′ x 3′

Currently listening to: – a friend of mine from Atlanta who now resides, and DJ’s in San Francisco. If you want to know more about him, check here:

We used to hang out quite a lot but when he moved away, I traded him in for his twin brother Andrew, who has now ALSO moved to San Francisco (with his girlfriend). I miss both of them in different ways. Brian used to come over to Mark’s old place at Post Parkside, to use the turn tables for practice. I gave him hell all the time, and teased him constantly for scratching records, and missing beats. Boy… not the case these days! He plays to sold out crowds and is doing quite well mixing great tracks I love!

Okay, the coffee is kicking in, so my day needs to start from here. Hope you have a great one as well!

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